Collaborative Robot
Parallel Robot or Delta Robot Kossel, Rostock.
3, 4 or 6 DOF Robot Arm
3 DOF or 6 DOF simulator platform
Stewart Motion Platform
Servo Cylinder for Flight Simulator, Drive Simulator and so on
Arm robot or manipulator for Injection Molding
Replace man with a manipulator and let him do the valuable job.
Manipulator for Horizontal or Vertical Injection Molding Machine.
DIY Robotic, RCs
Omni-directional Wheels
Mecanum Wheels
48mm, 100mm, 127mm, 152mm, 60mm aluminum LEGO-compatible light loading Mecanum Wheels, medium and heavy loading mecanum wheels.
Automated Guided Vehicle
Navigation, Guidance, Searching and Driving, Technology of Cartesian Guidance, Wire Guidance, Magnetic Tape Guidance, Optical Guidance, Laser Guidance, Inertial Navigation, Visual Navigation and Global Position System.
RoboCup Supplies
Robot Servos include metal gear robot servo, coreless and brushless servo